Big Picture Stuff

Now, if you have followed my work and journal for a while, you will know I have a thing about overthinking (see my last journal post!) my work and spending time tinkering with stuff that doesn’t really matter… like redesigning my website. So, you won’t be surprised to read that this is exactly what I’ve been doing recently… overthinking what my work means and reworking my website! The difference this time is that I have been creating new paintings and drawings at the same time, so it has been complimenting my art, not distracting from it. In fact, I think I have made a significant breakthrough in my understanding, which is the reason for the redesign.

I had previously realised that my artwork could be broken down into four words; Stories, Structures, Layers and Time. After a little bit more thinking, I decided that ‘Layers’ wasn’t really a theme of the work, but more a part of my style of working and something that underpins what interests me in the three remaining themes; Structures, Time and Stories.

my work that focuses on our built heritage… architecture, stone circles, monuments and castles.

my most abstract work exploring ideas of entropy, fragility and transience

my work that focuses on our cultural heritage… fairy tales, myths and legends, movies, music.

Whilst there will, inevitably, be crossover between these themes, at the moment this allows me the best way of organising and describing my work for others to see and engage with. It’s allowed me to truly see what interests me in life and inspires my work. Of course, it does also mean that my artist statement needs a rewrite (again!), but that is for another time.


New Framed Works

