What does it all mean? (Part 2)

One of the things I’m noticing as I create more work is that I’ve never really known what it is about… At least, I thought I did, but now I’m starting to think that I’ve misunderstood it.

As I’m now working more on my artwork, I’m being forced to think about it more and I find myself constantly looking for connections between all the different aspects to it. It’s something I have to do as part of being an artist; you have to have an artist statement ready to go for when you need it! Aside from that, I find it is really useful to keep thinking about the work to help push it forward but also, keep it focused. The focus is particularly important for me, as I often find myself being distracted by the next shiny idea I have before I’ve finished the current one.

My current artist statement (as I write this, May 2021) says,

Inspired by street art styles and processes, my artwork explores our relationship with the natural world; a relationship that has inspired stories from our history, influences how we connect with the world today and determines how we shape our future, whether that be positive or negative.

So, my work is primarily about nature and how we interact with it?… Certainly, our relationship with nature is an important aspect of my work, but I actually think that the stories, the myths (present and past) are the overarching theme.

It could just be that my work is evolving and that this is direction of travel, rather than a misinterpretation of all my previous work. It could be that I’m overthinking it all and it’s not my job to interpret the work at all!

Either way, maybe I need to think about rewriting the artist statement…


Public Art


What does it all mean?