
So, the website has been a bit neglected this year… that’s not to say I haven’t been creating new work, I just haven’t been uploading it on here… or on Instagram, although that’s more to do with there being no point as nobody was seeing them anyway! I’m starting to look into TikTok, so if you want to follow me there @studioyeomans, I might eventually post something!

I moved house earlier in the year so that has taken a lot of my focus, especially as the new house came with a garden and a promise to our son of his very own monkey bars!

I have been making a steady stream of sales through Artfinder this year, which has been great, and that is where I have been uploading the vast majority of my new paintings and drawings to try and continue that. The new works will make their way onto here eventually as I hope to be in control of my own sales a bit more next year, rather than relying on other websites with their high commissions/fees and being subject to their changes.

So, yeah, that’s just a little update of what’s going on with me at the moment… as usual I have a list of projects/ideas that are as yet unstarted or unfinished. Some of those will see the light of day soon, others will probably still be on the list next time I write a post!




What do artists do in November?